About Us

Ps Al Fateh Enterprise is our company name and Zapa is our brand name. Zapa had been established since 2016, in Malacca, Malaysia

We Are Your Favourite, Online Store.

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Eros Imperdie

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We’ll generate a sitemap for your site, submit it to search engine is and track.

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We’ll generate a sitemap for your site, submit it to search engine is and track.

Ps Al Fateh Enterprise.

Ps Al Fateh Enterprise is our company name and Zapa is our brand name. Zapa had been established since 2016, in Malacca, Malaysia.

We provide spices, supplements, cooking paste and ready to eat products that can be handle, stored, and use easily.

Since Malaysia is a diversity country, our options of food is vast. That’s why our objective is to provide premium quality spices that is unique and delicious that are trusted by Malaysians and globally.

Interested to make your own Brand?

Meet Our Creative Team

Amanda Lee

Creative Head

Lee Stoner

Marketing Head

Monica Gala

Graphic Designer

Interested to make your own Brand?

Are you looking for hot selling products?

Zapa is ready to help you to develop and customise your own products.

Please feel free to inquire us for more information.

Worldwide Shipping

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Best Quality

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Best Offers

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Secure Payments

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